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執筆者の写真: Radhika VijayathilakanRadhika Vijayathilakan




マントラは唱えられます。 そして、さまざまな材料が火の中に入れられます。それらは牛糞、木、樟脳、牛乳、凝乳、ギー、そして様々なハーブです。オマームから出る煙は私たちと私たちの周りの環境を活性化します。





Homam is a ritual performed with fire to receive the help of the Divine.

A sacred fire is invoked and maintained through the ritual. And along with the chanting of the 'mantras', (a sacred utterance that is considered to possess mystical or spiritual efficacy), various ingredients are put into the fire as offerings. Some of the ingredients are cow dung, wood, camphor, milk, curd and ghee along with a variety of herbs. The smoke that comes out of the homam revitalizes us and the atmosphere around us.

Five elements ('panchabootham') exist in the cosmos - Earth, water, fire, wind and space, out of which only fire and water have the capacity to retain and transfer divine energy. Therefore the ancient sages had chosen them for their 'saadhana' (disciplined and dedicated spiritual practise, which is an effort to communicate with the Divine within oneself).

Just as the five elements exist in the cosmos, they also exist in our body. Fire exists in two forms within us - 'Jatara Agni' and 'Bhoota Agni'. 'Jatara Agni' is the digestive fire in the physical body. This is the one that burns brightly for most of us. The ancient sages were able to convert their 'Jatara Agni' into 'Bhoota Agni', which enabled them to transfer their prayers and offerings to the Divine. Whereas we need to use the external fire to help us to do the same.





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